The first quarter of 2022 has been all about responding to the dynamic circumstances that continue to define our lives. As cost of living pressures, fluctuations in the property market and larger scale global affairs continue to dominate the news, our local, state and national governments are presenting their responses to these adversities and in doing so providing us with choices, challenges and opportunities.
Whether you are an investor, prospective home buyer, renter, downsizer there are important decisions for you to make regarding your interpretation of the market.
Seller sentiment is frequently centered around the notion that now is the right time to consider offloading before further inflationary or interest rate rises or before the global market situations deteriorate further.
Renters are recurrently seeking to enter into extensioned periods of tenure in their homes due to the complexities attached with the supply of vacant rental properties and the respective costs associated.
One thing that is for sure is that the steadfast heartbeat of the property market for now continues to rhythmically strengthen and that as history has shown us, inaction has been perhaps the worst reaction to decisions surrounding land and house acquisitions across the world over the past months, years and decades.